Precision Agriculture and ECOSYSTEM modeling lab.

Welcome to our lab.

Our research focuses on the effects of changing climate and land management on carbon and nutrient cycling. We measure cropping systems and develop process-based modeling to predict the interactions between soil, plants, carbon storage and greenhouse gas emissions across different spatial and temporal scales. 

Precision Ag.

Precision agriculture (PA) is managing inputs of agricultural production in an environmentally friendly way.  We aim to improve the use efficiency of 1) fertilizers and chemicals, 2) seeds and planting materials, and 3) machinery and equipment  using various PA tools. 

Sustainable cropping

Balancing agricultural inputs and outputs is essential to avoid unintended outcomes from crop production. We aim to manage and preserve carbon, nitrogen, water and other valuable resources. 

Ecosystem modeling

Agricultural modeling includes machine learning model development and simulations with existing ecosystem models. We aim to better understand our world at a large scale in a long-term.

Greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture

[ will be ready soon ]

Plastic pollutions in agriculture

[ will be ready soon ]